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Results for search "Injuries".

17 Jul

Concussions Do Not Negatively Impact Kids’ IQ, New Study Finds

Suffering a concussion does not appear to lower intelligence or IQ scores in children. Researchers say this new finding should help ease the concerns of millions of parents.

12 Jul

Pickleball Injuries Are on the Rise. Why Are So Many Players Ignoring the Pain?

In a new Harris Poll, nearly 50% of people say it’s not worth seeing a doctor for a sports injury they think will probably heal on its own.

Health News Results - 299

Gun violence in the United States has become a national public health crisis, the U.S. Surgeon General declared Tuesday.

"Today, for the first time in the history of our office, I am issuing a Surgeon General's Advisory on firearm violence. It outlines the urgent threat firearm violence poses to the health and well-being of our country,"

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 25, 2024
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  • For the first time since the pandemic, it got a little safer to cross America's streets in 2023, new statistics show.

    According to data released Monday from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), 7,318 American pedestrians were killed by motor vehicles last year -- a dip of 5.4% from 2022 and the first such decline seen ...

    In half of American homes containing a loaded gun, that gun is kept unsecured and ready for potential use, often with children in the home, new research shows.

    The finding is especially troubling given the link between gun accessibility and accidental child deaths, as well as rising rates of gun-related suicides in the United States, researchers said.

    "The presence of a firearm in t...

    Many people have been caught by surprise when an electric-powered car has smoothly and silently crept up on them as they walked.

    But such an accident can pose a very serious risk to life and limb, and pedestrians might be twice as likely to be hit by an electric or hybrid car than a gas-powered vehicle, researchers reported May 21 in the

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 22, 2024
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  • Primates are capable of tending to wounds using medicinal plants, a new case report says.

    A male Sumatran orangutan treated a facial wound with a climbing plant known to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, researchers say in the journal Scientific Reports.

    The orangutan, named Rakus by observ...

    Soldiers can suffer brain injury if they are repeatedly exposed to explosive blasts, a new study shows.

    Further, the more frequently a soldier is exposed to explosions, the greater their risk for brain injury, researchers reported April 22 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Based on this, researchers intend to develop a diagnostic test to detect blast b...

    Stem cells derived from a patient's own fat can safely help improve sensation and movement after a spinal cord injury, a new, small study finds.

    Patients treated with these stem cells experienced increased sensation from pinpricks and light touches, increased muscle strength and better sphincter control, results show.

    "In spinal cord injury, even a mild improvement can make a signif...

    Working stiffs in the United States are dying at higher rates than those in other wealthy nations, a new study finds.

    Death rates among working-age Americans are 2.5 times higher than the average of other high-income countries, researchers report in the March 21 issue of the International Journal of Epidem...

    The weight room is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for folks trying to get into shape, a new study discovers.

    Head and facial injuries related to weightlifting have increased sharply during the past decade for both men and women, researchers found.

    Between 2013 and 2022, the annual rate of exercise- and weightlifting-related

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 22, 2024
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  • Your baby could be endangered by now-recalled Comfi Baby Infant Walkers, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warned Thursday.

    The walkers, sold on Amazon, "violate the federal safety regulations for infant walkers because they can fit through a standard doorway, are not designed to stop at the edge of a step and have leg openings that allow the child to slip down until the child...

    After a car crash, women are more likely to go into shock than men, even when their injuries are less severe, new research shows.

    "Women are arriving to the trauma bay with signs of shock more often than men, regardless of injury severity," said study leader Susan Cronn, a researcher at the Medical College of W...

    The perpetrator of a mass shooting in Maine last fall had extensive brain damage from "thousands of low-level blasts" tied to his work at an Army Reserve hand grenade training range, a new report shows.

    On Oct. 25, Robert Card, 40, killed 18 and injured another 13 in a deadly rampage in the town of Lewiston after opening fire in a bowling alley and then a restaurant.

    After a two-da...

    Rodeo riders might make it all look easy, but they're actually participating in one of the most strenuous sports around, experts say.

    As such, folks participating in rodeo need to take steps to protect themselves, just as other athletes do, said Dr. Omar Atassi, an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Baylor College...

    After states legalize the sale of weed for recreational use, on-the-job injuries rise among younger workers, new research shows.

    U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics for 2006 through 2020 show that legal “recreational marijuana sales were associated with a 10% increase in workplace injuries among individuals aged 20 to 34 years,” the study authors concluded.

    They note that prior rese...

    A mental workout can speed teens' recovery from a concussion, especially if it takes place in the classroom.

    New research shows that returning to school early after a concussion and limiting screen time help symptoms resolve sooner.

    "Children and teens should be encouraged to get back to their routines and take part in activities like clubs, jobs and homework after experiencing conc...

    Pickleball has become the darling of older folks trying to stay in shape, but new research shows that with that popularity has come a surge in serious injuries.

    Bone fractures related to pickleball have increased 90-fold over the last 20 years, with most injuries occurring in adults ages 60 to 69, finds a new analysis presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Or...

    Unprovoked shark attacks increased slightly worldwide last year, but twice as many people died from shark bites as the year before, new data show.

    There were 69 unprovoked shark attacks in 2023, higher than the five-year average of 63 attacks per year, according to the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File.

    A white winter landscape might look magical, but the cold and snow and ice can make even the simplest of tasks potentially dangerous.

    “It's slip and fall season,” said Dr. Letitia Bradford, an orthopedic surgeon who practices in rural communities in New Mexico and California. “We see a lot of ankle and wrist fractures dur...

    Electric scooters might seem a fun way to zip about, but they're also a pricey hazard to riders' health, a new study argues.

    Orthopedic treatment for 82 patients injured in e-scooter wrecks averaged more than $28,400 per person, as doctors labored to mend broken bones and dislocated joints.

    “E-scooters go up to 20 miles per hour, but people are allowed to ride them on sidewalks wi...

    When you're looking for a cheap and easy way to get around town, which is safer -- a scooter or a bike?

    A nationwide look at injuries related to both suggests biking may be the safer way to go.

    UCLA researchers report that scooter injuries nearly tripled across the U.S. between 2016 and 2020, many serious enough to require orthopedic and plastic surgery. The cost of treating those i...

    Games like football, soccer and rugby come to mind when thinking about sports-related concussions.

    But a smashing tennis shot could cause a traumatic brain injury if the ball whacks a player's head, a new study argues.

    Concussions can happen if a tennis ball traveling faster than 89 miles per hour hits someone on the head, researchers report.

    The average serve speed in profess...

    Toos electric scooters are a fire hazard and people should stop using them, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warned Monday.

    The Toos Elite 60-volt electric scooters, also marketed under the name Zooz, were sold exclusively at Toos Urban Ride stores in New York and online at the Toos website.

    Two people recently died in an apartment fire that local fire officials de...

    More than 60,000 gun safes have been recalled following the death of a 12-year-old boy and dozens of reports that unauthorized people can open the Fortress Safe devices.

    The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said a pr...

    Not all high school injuries happen on the football field or the basketball court.

    Marching band is also a physically demanding activity and participants can suffer injuries, as seen in a new study that looked at emergency room visits.

    Injuries ranged from issues with the knees or ankles to mild head trauma.

    Girls were the most commonly injured. About 70% of marching band-rela...

    As pint-size witches, ghosts and superheroes roam the streets on Halloween, it's important for adults to keep their eyes on safety.

    “It's always best for an adult to accompany young children when they trick-or-treat,” said Dr. Sadiqa Kendi, chief of pediatric emergency medicine at Boston Medica...

    Tens of thousands of U.S. children received burns over a decade from beauty devices found in many homes: curling irons.

    “Hair styling tools are a timeless piece of our everyday routine, helping to create the picture-perfect look. Yet they have the greatest propensity to create a not so picture-perfect accident when not handled with care,” said Dr. Brandon Rozanski, lead author of a ne...

    Despite warnings and public education campaigns, kids continue to suffer injuries from swallowing small but strong magnets, according to a new study.

    Children are also inserting high-powered, rare-earth balls into their ears and noses, even in households where parents fully understand the dangers of the toys, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

    “High-powered, ra...

    E-bikes, e-scooters and hoverboards are everywhere -- and injuries related to their use are soaring.

    The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a new report on Tuesday showing that injuries associated with these so-called micro-mob...

    America's kids are safer now than a decade ago when it comes to many types of injury, with two glaring exceptions: drugs and guns.

    That's the crux of a new study that looked at injury trends among U.S. children and teenagers between 2011 and 2021.

    It found that nonfatal injuries from accidents and assaults fell by 55% and 60%, respectively, during that time period. That included sub...

    The risk of falls increases in older age, and along with it, the risk for serious physical or psychological damage, but there are steps people can take to help prevent these accidents.

    Each year, about 27% of adults 65 and older fall and about 10% of those are injured.

    “If you've experienced a fall or have a fear of falling, you are at a higher risk of falling. Once an older adult...

    Ashley Haugen's 13-month-old daughter, Kipley, woke up projectile vomiting in their Texas home one morning in July 2017.

    The Haugens took her to the doctor after it became apparent she wasn't keeping anything down. After not responding to medication, Kipley was whisked to a nearby children's hospital for emergency surgery.<...

    As working class neighborhoods gentrify, you'll likely see rents rise, pricey restaurants move in -- and maybe also a rise in gunshot wounds, researchers say.

    In U.S. neighborhoods that gentrified, gun injuries were 62% higher than they were in similar neighborhoods that hadn't gone upscale, according to a new study.

    Overall firearm incidence was also 26% higher in these gentrifyin...

    Playing sports can offer a lot of benefits for kids, but it's also important to help protect them from injuries.

    Parents and coaches can make a big difference in helping kids play safely, according to Nemours Kids Health.

    The medical organization suggests starting with proper equipment. Use it, but also make sure the safety gear is the right size, fits well and is right for the sp...

    When an earthquake struck the center of Morocco earlier this month, killing nearly 3,000 and injuring thousands more, no one was expecting it.

    That sudden rapid shaking of ground as the rocks underneath the earth shift can happen anywhere, but higher-risk areas in the United States include Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Washington and the entire Mississippi River Valley....

    If mountain biking is your exercise of choice, go for it.

    A new study finds that the benefits of this sport outweigh the risks, dashing a common view that it's always dangerous, injury-inducing and meant for thrill seekers.

    “Mountain biking and hiking a...

    It's always a good idea to use caution when having some summer fun -- and that includes preventing burns from barbecues and other heat sources.

    An expert from UT Southwestern Medical Center offers tips for avoiding heat-related pitfalls, including grilling and metal playground equipment during extreme outdoor temperatures.

    “Concrete, metal and even plastic surfaces sitting in the ...

    It's fun to playfully toss a toddler into the air, or tote a kid piggyback-style on your shoulders.

    But those delightful giggles may come with a risk of head injury from a typically overlooked hazard -- the room's ceiling fan.

    Each year U.S. emergency rooms treat about 2,300 children for head injuries caused by ceiling fans, according to Consumer Product Safety Commission data colle...

    It seems obvious that texting and walking can be a dangerous duo, but now a new Australian study offers solid evidence of the dangers.

    Emergency room doctors Dr. Michael Levine and Dr. M...

    If you've ever slammed a door on your finger, you know how badly an injured nail feels, but do you know how to treat one?

    First, do what you can to prevent one.

    "To prevent a nail injury, I tell my patients to keep their nails short, so they do not bend or catch on objects," said Dr. Shari Lipner, an associate professor ...

    When it comes to falling down stairs, young women are more prone to take a tumble than their male counterparts.

    According to a new study, this is because they are more likely to be distracted or to wear impractical footwear.

    Going down a staircase while talking or texting on the phone or engaging in other distractions is an invitation to take a header, researchers report. Women were...

    If your child is in sports camp this summer, you'll want them to have fun and stay safe.

    The National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) offers some tips on dealing with existing medical conditions, staying hydrated and heat safe, avoiding weather dangers and protecting skin from the sun.

    “Just as parents don't drop off their children at a pool without a lifeguard, they shouldn...

    Pickleball has burst onto the scene, inspiring people of all ages to pick up a paddle.

    But as with any sport, it's possible to get hurt. Some best practices can help prevent injuries, according to a sports medicine expert.

    For pickleball players, the most common injury is to the rotator cuff tendon in the shoulder.

    This can cause shoulder pain, especially with movement and use...

    It's been said many times, but it deserves repeating: Use caution when handling fireworks.

    The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) is repeating the message to try to help people avoid injuries to the fingers, hands, arms and face.

    "It may be a tradition to let children and teens oversee fireworks, but parents should always be cautious. Fireworks-related injuries can have...

    When a child unintentionally shoots and kills another child in the United States, they've likely been playing around with an unlocked, loaded gun, new research reveals.

    Analyzing a decade's worth of data, researchers also found that 4 out of 10 such gun deaths involve kids 2 to 4 years old. About two-thirds of the unintentional fatal shootings happen at the victim's home, and both victim ...

    Nearly 8 million Baby Shark and Mini Baby Shark bath toys have been recalled because they can cause serious injuries to children.

    When using these bath toys, particularly in a bathtub or wading pool, a child can sit, slip or fall onto the shark's hard plastic top fin, posing risks of impalement, lacerations and puncture wounds, according to the company, Zuru.

    This recall includes bo...

    Baby equipment is costly, so many parents buy it used, but they're not always sure whether it's still safe, a nationwide poll reveals.

    About half of the 932 parents surveyed in February said they had used pre-owned equipment for their baby, most often cribs and high chairs, according to a University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hospital poll released May 15.

    Yet, 2 in 3 s...

    Older Americans are dying of falls at more than double the rate of 20 years ago -- with women, men and all racial groups showing increases, according to a new study.

    In 2020, the study found, just over 36,500 Americans age 65 and up died of a fall-related injury. That was up from roughly 10,100 deaths in 1999.

    Adjusted for age, those numbers translated into a more than twofold incre...

    Living with the potential for gun violence takes a “cumulative physiological toll” on people in Chicago and across the country, said researchers whose new study found that half of that city's residents had witnessed a shooting by age 40.

    The study followed Chicagoans from childhood and adolescence in the 1990s over the course of 25 years.

    Of the more than 2,400 study participan...

    There's nothing like the comfort and security of home. For many, a home is a place filled with fond memories of happy times.

    It's no wonder older adults choose to extend their independence by trying to stay in their homes as they get older, an experience called aging in place.

    But as a person ages, what used to be ordinary in the home can be challenging or even a hazard. Almost one-...

    If you bought a carbon monoxide detector on Amazon and it was sold under the names GLBSUNION and CUZMAK, stop using it.


  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 20, 2023
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