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04 Aug

Foods High in Added Sugars May Raise Your Risk for Kidney Stones, New Study Finds

Consuming too many foods and beverages with added sugars may increase your odds for kidney stones, researchers say.

Resultados de noticias de salud - 121

The second person to receive a kidney from a genetically modified pig has died, surgeons at NYU Langone Health announced Tuesday.

The 54-year-old patient, Lisa Pisano, had both kidney failure and heart failure. She received the pig kidney April 12, eight days after she had a mechanical ...

John Nicolas was deep into kidney transplant surgery when he decided to ask his doctors if they'd started yet.

"At one point during surgery, I recall asking, 'Should I be expecting the spinal anesthesia to kick in?'"Nicolas, 28, recalled in a news release. "They had already been doing a lot of work and I had been completely oblivious to that fact. Truly, no sensation whatsoever."


Older women with chronic kidney disease might wind up losing so many teeth they aren't able to chew and talk effectively, a new study warns.

Postmenopausal women with kidney disease are about 40% more likely to have fewer than 20 teeth, the minimum number needed to adequately chew and speak, researchers reported June 12 in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 12, 2024
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  • Mankind is eyeing Mars as its next grand expedition, but the human body might not be capable of dealing with such a journey, a new study warns.

    It's very likely that an astronaut's kidneys could be permanently damaged by cosmic radiation during a years-long mission to Mars, researchers reported June 11 in the journal Nature ...

    A woman who was the second person to ever receive a kidney from a genetically modified pig has had the transplanted organ removed due to complications linked to a heart pump she is using, her doctors said.

    Lisa Pisano, 54, remains hospitalized and has been transferred back to kidney dialysis after having the transplanted organ removed.

    The organ, transplanted 47 days earlier, had n...

    Ozempic provides a wide variety of health benefits for people with kidney disease and type 2 diabetes, a major clinical trial has found.

    The drug significantly reduces the risk of severe kidney events, heart problems and death from any cause in patients who have both conditions, researchers found....

    Rick Slayman, the first person to receive a kidney transplant from a genetically modified pig, has died nearly two months after having the historic surgery.

    In a statement released Saturday, Slayman's family said the...

    Nine of 10 American adults are in the early, middle or late stages of a syndrome that leads to heart disease, a new report finds, and almost 10% have the disease already.

    "Poor cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic health is widespread among the U.S. population," concludes a team led by

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 8, 2024
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  • Rick Slayman, the first person to receive a kidney transplant from a genetically modified pig, headed home Wednesday after faring so well that he was released from the hospital just two weeks after his groundbreaking surgery.

    "This moment -- leaving the hospital today with one of the cleanest bills of health I've had in a long time -- is one I wished would come for many years. Now, it's ...

    THURSDAY, March 21, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- For the first time ever, doctors have transplanted a genetically edited pig kidney into a human suffering from advanced kidney failure.

    Such pig kidneys, altered to lower the risk of rejection and disease, have been successfully placed into monkeys and brain-dead human donor bodies.

    But Rick Slayman, 62, is the first living patient to rec...

    Weight-loss surgery may help patients struggling with obesity and kidney failure become eligible for a lifesaving transplant, researchers report.

    Obesity is a key reason why some kidney patients are turned down for a transplant.

    But weight-loss surgery "not only helps in reducing the patients' weight to a level where they can safely receive a transplant, but also addresses the broad...

    Folks who drop pounds to help control their diabetes receive other substantial heath benefits for all their efforts, a new study says.

    Substantial weight loss that led to even a short-lived remission in type 2 diabetes also prompted a 40% lower rate in heart disease and a 33% lower rate of kidney disease, researchers report in the Jan. 18 issue of the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 19, 2024
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  • Teenagers who've packed on extra pounds have a significantly increased risk of developing kidney disease as a young adult, a new study finds.

    Obesity increased risk of later kidney disease as much as ninefold in boys and fourfold in girls, according to results published recently in the journal JAMA Pedi...

    Folks who habitually add an extra sprinkle of salt to their meals are doing no favors for their kidneys, new research confirms.

    The finding held even after researchers accounted for other health issues, such as being overweight, not exercising or smoking and/or drinking.

    The bottom line: "Adding salt to foods is associated with increased risk of chronic kidney disease in the general...

    Early results from a trial of a new kidney disease medication show it significantly reduces levels of a urine marker of kidney damage.

    The experimental drug -- called BI 690517 for now -- cut levels of the liver protein albumin in the urine in half for patients with chronic kidney disease.

    Albumin levels in urine have long been used to gauge kidney disease progression.

    "We thi...

    Exposure to wildfire-related air pollution in western states has taken its toll on U.S. patients who are on dialysis.

    New research linked it to elevated risks of hospitalization and death in patients who were receiving in-center hemodialysis treatment in Washington, Oregon and Califo...

    Two years after a gene-edited pig kidney was transplanted into a monkey, researchers report the monkey is still alive.

    "We're the only group in the field to comprehensively address safety and efficacy of our donor organ with these edits,"said study co-author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 13, 2023
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  • Hispanic folks with chronic kidney disease should have early heart health screenings, new research suggests, because they're at high risk for sudden cardiac arrest.

    A team from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles discovered this while working to learn about possible causes for the heart unexpectedly stopping.

    "Because people who experience sudden cardiac arrest ...

    One day, it may be possible to monitor people for risk of disease through continuously measuring skin temperature.

    Researchers have found in a new study that wrist temperature is associated with future risk of disease.

    "These findings indicate the potential to marry emerging technology with health monitoring in a powerful new way,"said senior author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 25, 2023
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  • For the first time ever, a solid humanized organ has been grown from scratch in an animal -- a first step in a process that could potentially solve organ shortages and save countless lives.

    Chinese researchers grew partially human early-stage kidneys inside embryonic pigs, using a variety of genetic engineering techniques, a new report reveals.

    "This study demonstrates proof-of-prin...

    Decades of "redlining"-- discriminatory policies that led to disinvestment in minority communities within the United States -- may be connected with current cases of kidney failure in Black adults.

    A new study from researchers at Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) shows that long-term disinvestment of wealth and resources in historically redlined neighborhoods likely contr...

    Young adults who have even modest reductions in kidney function could face significant health risks, according to a new study.

    "The dogma is that healthy, young adults don't need to worry about kidney function unless it drops to around 50% of the normal level, but our research suggests that even a more modest 20%-30% drop may have consequences," said co-author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 23, 2023
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  • Here's one more reason to watch your weight: Obesity can increase your odds for serious complications after surgery.

    Compared with patients of normal weight, those who are obese are at greater risk for developing blood clots, infections and kidney failure after surgery, a new study reports. Pa...

    Kidney disease patients on dialysis are 100 times more likely to contract a dangerous blood infection than people not receiving the treatment -- and that risk is borne primarily by Hispanic and Black Americans, U.S. government health officials say.

    Hispanic patients are 40% more likely than white patients to develop a staph bloodstream infection while on dialysis, according to a new

    Women tend to be better able than men to recover from kidney injury, but why?

    Apparently women have an advantage at the molecular level that protects them from a form of cell death that occurs in injured kidneys, a new study in mice has discovered.

    "Kidney disease afflicts more than 850 million people worldwide every year, so it's important to understand why female kidneys are more ...

    Men and women have different experiences with declining kidney function as they age, so researchers set out to try to figure out what was happening.

    What they knew was that more women have

  • By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 22, 2022
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  • Children who need kidney transplants have better long-term outcomes when the donor is a living person and not someone who has died and donated organs, a new study finds.

    "The findings of our study should lay to rest any fears and concerns that centers have about accepting organs from unrelate...

    Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables is common advice, but many Americans eat few of these nutrient powerhouses, according to a new study.

    This includes adults with chronic kidney ...

    A hurricane threatens anyone in its path, but it can be especially deadly for people who need kidney dialysis to survive, new research shows.

    An analysis of patient data spanning two decades linked hurricane exposure with a higher risk of death for people who routinely need dialysis, which filters and purifies ...

    There's more good news for coffee lovers who already reap its other health benefits -- your favorite beverage may also help protect your kidneys.

    "We already know that drinking coffee on a regular basis has been associated with the preventio...

    Even before the pandemic, the demand for donor kidneys far exceeded supply. That shortfall only worsened when hospitals started refusing to use kidneys from COVID-positive donors.


    If you're thinking about donating a kidney, new research could alleviate your concerns.

    "The results of this study are extremely reassuring for individuals who are considering being living kidney donors. We found that this lifesaving surgery, when performed at experienced transplant centers, is extremely safe," said study co-author Dr. Timucin Taner, chair of transplant surgery at Mayo Cl...

    Allopurinol, a frequently used gout medication, does not appear to drive up the risk for dying among gout patients who also struggle with chronic kidney disease, new research shows.

    The finding is based on an analysis of two decades worth of British health records. And it may put to rest recent concerns regarding a well-known drug that both gout patients and kidney disease patients have u...

    Saline intravenous (IV) fluids are as effective as more costly solutions in treating intensive care patients and keeping them alive, Australian researchers report.

    "Just about every patient admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) will receive intravenous fluids for resuscitation or as part of standard treatment," noted

  • Robert Preidt
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  • January 26, 2022
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  • In another breakthrough for animal-to-human organ transplantation, U.S. researchers say they've transplanted two genetically modified pig kidneys into a living human.

    The recipient was Jim Parsons, 57, a brain-dead man on life support whose family agreed to allow the surgical team at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) to use his body for this research.

    The kidneys functio...

    COVID-19 patients are at risk for serious long-term kidney damage, according to the results of a new investigation.

    The damage appears to come from the virus' ability to directly infect the kidneys. And in some cases, the scarring and damage may last well beyond the COVID infection itself, German, Dutch and American researchers said.

  • Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 29, 2021
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  • You were lucky enough to receive a kidney years ago, but now it is failing. Is it better to opt for another transplant or go on dialysis?

    New research suggests a second transplant may be the better option.

    Kidney transplants from deceased donors function for a median ...

    Global warming may pose a threat to your kidneys, new research suggests.

    For the study, researchers analyzed data from hospitals in more than 1,800 cities in Brazil between 2000 and 2015, and found that just over 7% of all admissions for kidney disease could be attributed to hotter temperatures.

    That equates to more than 202,000 cases of kidney disease, according to the report publi...

    People hospitalized for COVID-19, and even some with milder cases, may suffer lasting damage to their kidneys, new research finds.

    The study of more than 1.7 million patients in the U.S. Veterans Affairs system adds to concerns about the lingering effects of COVID -- particularly among people sick enough to need hospitalization.

    Researchers found that months after their initial infe...

    Here's some hopeful news for those who have kidney transplants: Long-term survival rates have improved over the past three decades, a review shows.

    "There has been a gratifying improvement in kidney transplant survival, both for patients and the kidney graft itself, from 1996 to the current era," said review author Dr. Sundaram Hariharan, a senior transplant nephrologist at the University...

    Children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes face a high likelihood of developing complications before age 30, a new study suggests.

    Researchers found that among 500 children and teenagers with type 2 diabetes, 60% developed at least one complication over the next 15 years -- including nerve damage, eye disease and kidney disease.

    Type 2 diabetes, which is often associated with older age...

    No amount of lead in drinking water is safe for people with kidney disease, a new study warns.

    Low levels of lead in drinking water are widespread in the United States. These findings suggest that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules on allowable lead levels in drinking water pose a risk to the 30 million to 40 million Americans with kidney disease.

    "While drinking water...

    A flu shot might offer some protection against severe effects of COVID-19, a new study suggests.

    If you are infected with COVID-19, having had a flu shot makes it less likely you will suffer severe body-wide infection, blood clots, have a stroke or be treated in an intensive care unit, according to the study.

    "Our work is important," said study co-author Dr. Devinder Singh, noting l...

    People with type 2 diabetes face heightened risks for heart attack and stroke, as well as progressive kidney disease. But a new once-a-week injected drug called efpeglenatide could greatly reduce their odds for those outcomes, new research shows.

    The clinical trial was conducted in over 28 nations and involved more than 4,000 patients with type 2 diabetes.

    Over two years, patients ...

    In the world of chronic kidney disease, the dilemma is not uncommon: A relatively young patient with kidney trouble may need a transplant down the road, and an older family member is more than ready to step up. But the need for a kidney transplant, while predictable, is not immediate.

    So the older donor doesn't act. Given that donor supply has never met demand, the loss of a golden opport...

    Many Americans who stand to benefit most from a kidney transplant may be missing a key window of opportunity, a new study finds.

    The study focused on kidney failure patients who would be expected to live many years after receiving a kidney transplant. That generally includes relatively younger people without other major medical conditions.

    In 2014, the U.S. kidney allocation system ...

    Dialysis centers hit with financial penalties for poor performance don't tend to improve afterward, calling into question a set of U.S. federal programs intended to improve health care nationwide, a new report says.

    Dialysis centers face up to a 2% reduction in their annual Medicare reimbursements if they get a low score on a set of quality measures designed by the U.S. Centers for Medica...

    A single dose of a COVID-19 vaccine isn't enough to develop adequate antibodies in kidney dialysis patients, Canadian researchers report.

    "We advise that the second dose of the [Pfizer] vaccine be administered to patients receiving hemodialysis at the recommended 3-week time interval and that rigorous SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention and control measures be continued in hemodialysis units ...

    There's more evidence that a switch away from meat in your diet could cut levels of unhealthy "biomarkers" that encourage disease, researchers say.

    A new study reported Saturday at the virtual European Congress on Obesity (ECO) found that people on vegetarian diets have lower blood levels of disease-linked biomarkers, such as "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and other factors.

    Biomarkers can...

    Chronic kidney disease may carry an increased risk of dementia, according to a Swedish study.

    In people with chronic kidney disease, the bean-shaped organs gradually lose their ability to filter waste from the blood and eliminate fluids.

    "Even a mild reduction in kidney function has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and infections, and there is growing evide...

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