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Results for search "Vaginal Problems".

Health News Results - 7

Women having surgery for pelvic organ prolapse are often prescribed vaginal estrogen to boost the odds of a successful procedure. Now a clinical trial shows it doesn't actually work.

Pelvic organ prolapse is a disorder where weakened muscles and other tissues in the pelvis allow one or more organs -- including the uterus, bladder or rectum -- to protrude into the vagina.

Often, wome...

Laser-based vaginal "rejuvenation" is all the rage among women concerned about vaginal dryness and other "down there" symptoms of menopause, but it's buyer beware when it comes to these procedures, new research warns.

It turns out that laser-based vaginal rejuvenation may not be any better than placebo (dummy) treatment when it comes to relieving vaginal dryness, itching, burning, irritat...

Many women with pelvic organ prolapse may get lasting relief from a treatment that's been around for a few thousand years, a new study suggests.

With pelvic organ prolapse (POP), weakened muscles and supporting tissue in the pelvis allow one or more organs -- including the uterus, bladder or rectum -- to protrude into the vagina.

Often, women with the condition do not have symptoms ...

Hot flashes and night sweats are well-known side effects of menopause, but the end of a woman's periods can also lead to other uncomfortable changes.

Vaginal dryness, painful sex and painful urination are common symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause, or GSM. Estimates vary, but most research suggests that a majority of postmenopausal women are affected. It can significantly...

A dose of healthy bacteria could give women the upper hand in ridding themselves of a common but annoying vaginal infection, a new clinical trial reports.

Women treated with Lactin-V -- an experimental vaginal suppository containing live bacteria -- were much more likely to end their recurring bouts of bacterial vaginosis than women treated with a placebo, the researchers said.


Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection in women that's usually easily treated with antibiotics. But for those who develop recurrent infections, treatment options have been limited.

Now, Israeli researchers report they were able to put recurrent infections into remission in four out of five women who received a "vaginal microbiome transplant." The transplant consisted of healthy ba...

Douching is the age-old practice of using a solution to attempt to clean the vagina, but there's only downsides to it.

Beyond having no proven benefits, douching can cause many health problems, including bacterial and yeast infections. And if you already have a vaginal infection, it can push bacteria up into your reproductive organs, causing pelvic inflammatory disease, which in turn...