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Results for search "Ear / Nose / Throat".

Health News Results - 25

Researchers have long tried to pinpoint a reason that some people have autism or autistic traits.

A new study from the United Kingdom builds upon evidence about one potential factor, finding that young children with ear, nose and throat problems were more commonly diagnosed with autism later.

This isn't to sa...

Battling COVID and eager to do anything that will limit you to a mild infection?

Grab a neti pot, a new study advises.

Flushing your sinus cavity twice daily with a mild saline solution can significantly reduce a COVID ...

Could smoking pot somehow help keep sinus problems at bay?

It's possible, suggests a new study that found people who use marijuana may experience fewer bouts of congestion, sneezing and sinus pain than th...

When weather gets hot and people start jumping into a pool, lake or ocean, cases of swimmer's ear are likely to climb, but one expert says there are steps you can take to avoid the painful condition.

The best prevention is a simple one: avoid getting water in your ears, s...

You and your best friend may have your noses to thank in helping bring you together, a new study suggests.

Researchers found that pairs of friends who'd just "clicked" upon meeting tended to smell more alike, compared to random pairs of strangers. What's more, a high-tech electronic nose was able to predict, based on body odor, which strangers would hit it off during their first interacti...

E-cigarette and hookah water pipe users may be at greater risk than tobacco cigarette smokers for cancers of the nose, sinuses and throat, according to a new study.

That's because vapers and

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  • March 1, 2022
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  • Your sense of smell may not be as good as that of your ancestors.

    A new study that tested volunteers' perceptions of various smells -- including underarm odor -- adds to growing evidence that people's sense of smell is declining, little by little.

    "Genome-wide scans identified novel genetic variants assoc...

    Hearing loss can happen with advancing age, but fewer American women appear to be affected now than in the past.

    Researchers who studied hearing loss between 2008 and 2017 found in the earliest of those years, 16.3% of older U.S. adults reported serious hearing loss. But by 2017 that had ...

    By now, it would seem that there is almost no part of the body that the new coronavirus does not strike, but new research adds one more: COVID-19 may be able to infect the inner ear and affect hearing and balance.

    There have been reports of COVID-19 patients with symptoms such as hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness and balance problems, so Massachusetts Institute of Te...

    If you can't stand broccoli, celery or kale, you may be a supertaster, and it just might protect you from COVID-19.

    Supertasters are folks who are highly sensitive to bitterness. They're not only less likely to get COVID-19 than people who aren't so sensitive to sharp, pungent flavors, they're also less likely to wind up hospitalized with it, the researchers said.

    What's more, super...

    Hoarseness is common and there are many causes, an expert says.

    "About one-third of us will develop some sort of voice problem in our lifetime," said speech language pathologist Carrie Ruggiero, who sees patients at Penn State Health Lime Spring Outpatient Center in Lancaster.

    Those at most risk for hoarseness include folks who use their voices often, such as singers, voice actors, ...

    Many conditions can trigger vertigo and the first step in treating it is to find out what's causing it, an expert says.

    Middle ear fluid, dislodged crystals in the inner ear, Meniere's disease, vestibular neuritis and vestibular migraine all can cause vertigo, according to Dr. Mina Le. She is an otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon with Mountainside Medical Group in New Jersey.


    The coronavirus pandemic put elective ear, nose and throat surgeries in the United States on the back burner last spring, but a new study finds those numbers largely rebounded within a few months.

    Still, "as the pandemic continues, we've noted that otolaryngology surgeries are still backlogged and this impacts the health and well-being of patients," said study senior author Dr. C. Matthew...

    The first drug approved in the United States to treat thyroid eye disease may come with an unwelcome side effect for many: A small, new study finds that up to two-thirds of patients who take the medication experience hearing problems.

    Teprotumumab (Tepezza) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in January 2020. In two clinical trials conducted before FDA approval of the dr...

    If you've had major sinus or skull base surgery, you should talk with your ear, nose and throat doctor before getting a COVID-19 nasal swab test, researchers advise.

    It's also crucial for health workers performing swab testing to ask whether the patient has had extensive sinus or skull base surgery, said Dr. Philip Chen, an associate professor of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at th...

    An inner-ear implant may help people with a debilitating balance disorder get steady on their feet again, an early study suggests.

    The study involved eight patients with bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH). The disorder arises from a problem in the balance system of both inner ears, leading to chronic dizziness and instability when standing or walking.

    Researchers found that su...

    Bedtime without your partner on Valentine's Day could make sleep elusive. But a new study suggests one remedy: Cuddling up with a piece of his or her clothing.

    Researchers say having a loved one's natural scent nearby could be as effective a sleep aid as melatonin.

    "One of the most surprising findings is how a romantic partner's scent can improve sleep quality even outside o...

    Could you imagine not being able to smell bacon frying, or freshly cut grass, or the presence of smoke?

    People who lose their sense of smell face difficulties that can affect their daily lives and put their health and safety at risk, a new British study suggests.

    It included 71 patients, ages 31 to 80, who lost their sense of smell. They reported a number of problems -- from...

    Ringing in the new year shouldn't be a deafening experience, so protect your hearing, experts advise.

    Loud music, fireworks, party horns, kazoos and other noisemakers can all help usher in 2020 with a blast, but can also cause ringing in your ears or even permanent hearing damage, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

    Here are five tips from the as...

    In what doctors say is an extremely rare occurrence, a woman in her 70s went to her doctor to have impacted ear wax removed and wound up with permanent paralysis in her face.

    The case report was described by British physicians in the Dec. 19 online edition of JAMA Otolaryngology--Head & Neck Surgery.

    "A woman in her 70s presented to her general physician with imp...

    Bacteria in the saliva of people with clogged arteries appears to be different from that of healthy people, according to a small study. The finding which could open the door for new strategies to fight heart disease.

    The preliminary research, presented this week at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions, comes in the wake of past research showing oral bacteria is associ...

    Along with the flu, this is the time of year for sinus infections with their make-you-miserable stuffy, runny noses and blocked ears.

    Most sinus infections are caused by viruses, but bacteria can also be to blame, according to Dr. Jessica Grayson, an assistant professor of otolaryngology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

    "When people say they have sinus pressure, t...

    Large pills and dietary supplements can be tough for anyone to swallow, but new research finds they may pose a potentially dire risk to seniors.

    A study from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that between 2006 and 2015, almost 4,000 people had trouble swallowing dietary supplements that was serious enough to report. Three people died after choking on them.

    More than ...

    Got a stuffy nose? If you vape, that might be why.

    Research in animals suggests vaping makes it harder to clear your nose of mucus, a new study reports.

    Experiments in sheep showed electronic cigarette vapor can cause a condition called mucociliary dysfunction, which makes it harder to move mucus or phlegm. Sheep were chosen because their airways work like human airways.

    Can a smartphone app spot an ear infection?

    It did so with high accuracy in new research.

    Ear infections occur when fluid builds up behind the eardrum and gets contaminated. Though an ear infection can hurt and make it hard to hear, sometimes there are no symptoms and diagnosis can be difficult.

    This app uses a smartphone's microphone and speaker and a piece of pa...