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Resultados de su búsqueda "Cocaine".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 13

The "fourth wave" of the U.S. overdose crisis involves the use of illicit fentanyl mixed with stimulants such as cocaine or methamphetamine, and it's killing people in droves.

The proportion of U.S. overdose deaths involving both fentanyl and stimulants jumped by more than 50-fold since 2010, from 0.6% in 2010 to more than 32% in 2021, a new study shows.

"Fatal overdose involvi...

Researchers already knew that injecting drugs can lead to the dangerous and deadly heart infection called endocarditis.

Now they know that also becoming infected with COVID-19 appears to increase risk for this already vulnerable group.

"A lot of people talk about long COVID, but then really not many people are focused on this very vulnerable population," said

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
  • |
  • December 13, 2022
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  • Página completa
  • Using marijuana increases the risk of developing the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation (a-fib), a new study suggests.

    It's been known that drugs such as methamphetamine, cocaine and opiates can directly affect the heart and cause abnormal rhythms like a-fib, but weed can increase the risk by 35%, re...

    Combined use of opioids and stimulant drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine can be deadly, and in the United States Black communities have been hit especially hard by this lethal combo, new research indicates.

    Over a 12-year period, Black Americans have had much larger increases in overdose deaths from opioids

    Overdose deaths resulting from a dangerous combination of cocaine and opioids are outpacing fatalities linked to cocaine abuse alone, a new U.S. government report warns.

    "Much of the increase in the rate of drug overdose deaths involving cocaine in recent years is due to the co-occurrence of opioids," said study author Dr. Holly Hedegaard.

    A similar trend has started taking hold bec...

    Seizures of illegal drugs fell sharply in the United States during early COVID-19 lockdowns, but spiked once stay-at-home orders eased.

    Researchers studied seizures of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and fentanyl in five locations between March 2019 (a year before the pandemic began in the United States) through September 2020, six months into the pandemic.

    During that t...

    Cannabidiol (CBD) products are seemingly everywhere these days, but they won't help cure a cocaine addiction, a Canadian study finds.

    CBD, a chemical in the cannabis plant, has long been touted as a treatment for cocaine addiction. But researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center found that it doesn't lessen addicts' craving for cocaine or reduce their risk of relaps...

    Opioid overdose deaths involving more than one substance are more common among American teens and young adults than deaths caused by opioids alone, researchers report.

    They also found that stimulants such as cocaine and crystal methamphetamine are the non-opioid substances most commonly involved in opioid overdose deaths in young people. Moreover, opioid overdose deaths involving stimulan...

    Cutting back on booze may reduce chronic pain and use of other substances among U.S. veterans who are heavy drinkers, according to a new report.

    The study included about 1,500 veterans who completed annual surveys between 2003 and 2015, and reported heavy drinking in at least one of those surveys.

    "We found some evidence for improvement of pain interference symptoms and subs...

    While opioids were grabbing the headlines, cocaine overdose deaths in the United States have marched upward, nearly tripling over five years, a new government report shows.

    After a period of stability, cocaine-induced deaths rose by about 27% per year, on average, from 2013 through 2018, researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

    "While mu...

    Hard-hat jobs are tough and demanding, often entailing intense physical labor performed in dangerous situations.

    But a new study finds construction work also comes with another danger: An increased risk of drug abuse.

    Construction workers and miners are much more likely than people in other professions to misuse opioids, cocaine and marijuana, the research showed


    Across the United States and Canada, people are buying cocaine only to discover too late that it contains potentially deadly fentanyl, a new report warns.

    In one cluster of cases occurring in Fresno, Calif., in January of this year, four people were brought to local emergency rooms.

    Two of the incapacitated cocaine users died from their inadvertent fentanyl overdose, local d...

    As if using cocaine or methamphetamines isn't risky enough, new research shows a sharp spike in urine drug tests that are positive for those drugs and the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl.

    The findings could provide insight into steeply rising rates of cocaine- and methamphetamine-related overdoses in the United States.

    For the study, researchers analyzed data on on...